Monday, March 22, 2010


This is a great time of year, 65 teams with visions of a national championship!! Fighting to be called the best and greatest team this year. Tons of games, tons of brackets, tons of upsets... love it! Its a time where people cheer for the underdog, cheer for their favorite team, cheer for the team they picked to win it all so they can win their office pool... it boils down to Passion. Passion for the game of basketball & seeing the classic David vs. Goliath battle and the little guy winning. We love being passionate about things, its in our DNA, its how we were made.

God created us passionate, he wants the same passion we show to March Madness/NFL/MLB/Music/Clothing/Shoes/Friendships/College Football/Texting/Facebook/Twitter/Status/Success/wealth/cars/houses!! Not a piece of it, the whole thing. In Romans 12:1 Paul is challenging us to be living sacrifices, it's our act of worship!!

We Become what we worship...

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