Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March = Chaos

As February ends up and march begins to roll in... I look at my calendar and shutter because of all the stuff there is going on here at work, church and life in general... wow!! Not only is this going to be a great month because of March Madness and being one more month closer to Steph and I having our first child... its going to be a challenging month spiritually with Sugar Grove going into a stewardship campaign. Steph and I are in prayer about our 3 year commitment to the church to do some building and remodeling of our current facility!! What an amazing thing to walk through in this time of economic wonder (sarcastic). It truly will be a God thing, taking a step of faith and trusting that God has everything under control and is leading us through! I have been learning about just seeking after him with all I have, its all about Jesus, it always has been about Jesus and it always will be about Jesus. Sometimes we get caught up in the do's and don'ts and argue about things that will not matter in a few years... Jesus is all that matters, spreading the news of his love and mercy and reaching out to those who need a relationship with him is what we should be worrying about!!

Pray that Steph continues to progress like she should being pregnant... that the baby inside her grows healthy and strong... that our house sells in Illinois and that God provides a place for us to stay in the mean time!! God is good...

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